Topics Covered
Experiences of an English Emigrant
Description of the Emigrant Depot at Castle Garden
The First Night There
Despondent Emigrants
Difficulty of Obtaining Situations
Wreck of the SCOTLAND
The daybreak of a bright Autumn morning beamed over the magnificent Bay
of New-York City as the ship Scotland, conveying some 300 emigrants
from the Old World, fired a salute and cast anchor in the ?roadested,
amid the ringing cheers of passengers and crew. It was right pleasant
-- after a passage somewhat protracted, but, for the season of the
year, unprecedentedly propitious -- to at length enter the haven where
we would be. With the exception of two or three nights of turbulent
weather and ?hyperborean blasts as she passed the Banks of
Newfoundland, where many a noble ship has met her ?fate, the voyage of
The Scotland was a most favorable one and for days and days we floated
over the Atlantic on a sea so level and undere a sky so calm that a
pleasure yacht might have sailed over it in safety. It was indeed
exhilarating, after days and nights of endurance in cabin and on deck,
with the ever-same boundless blue and green of firmament and sea, with
only now and then a ship in sight, or the wild wheeling sea-gull on the
vessel's track, to come in view of something like land and the great
City of the world's commonwealth, New York.
It was a sunrise in the New World! and a glorious and electrifying
sight it was, as the sun, about to ascend the horizon, flooded cloud,
sky, bay and seaboard, shipping and the surrounding scenery with
streaks of gold and purple - the great City itself, and its sister
cities of Brooklyn and New-Jersey, waking up as it were at some
celestial summons out of the dreamy darkness of the night.
"Fair was the day, in short, earth, sea and sky beamed like a
bright-eyed face that laughs out openly." The steamtug B?kbeck having
come alongside, was engaged for a considerable time in transhipping the
luggage, till at length we were safely landed on the threshold of
Castle Garden, glad and grateful to set foot on the terra firma of the
free, and rest our weary limbs and sea-worm souls and systems under the
wing and welcome of its refuge. Here again at the landing stage,
during the process of the second transhipment, a further opportunity
was presented of viewing the river scenery, now diversified with its
swift-moving, mansion-looking steamers, which fairly astonished the
weak eyes and nerves of those accustomed only to the liliputian streams
and petit maitre miniature landscapes of England and Europe. Truly the
approach to New York is one of the most splendid and imposing in the
world. Talk about the approach by the Thames to London Bridge, by the
Mersey to Liverpool, by the Seine to Paris, or the Lagune to Venice!
Why, you might as well compare the aforesaid muddy Thames to the great
father of waters, the Mississippi, or British Snowden and the Malvern
Hills to the Rocky Mountains. Things European dwindle, as it were,
into specks and points infinitesimal before these stupendous
stretchings and these bold outspreadings. It is Hyperion to Satyr, a
wash hand-basin to a bay, and never do you so completely realize the
old schoolboy reminiscence. Sic parvis componere magna solbam.
As it always happens when the attention is absorbed, or the mind rapt in
admiration, something extraneous steps in to mar the meditation, just as on
some Summer evening when the landscape is a all lovely and serene some
grasshopper of bull-frog disturbs the quietude, so illustrating the
potent truth of but "one step from the sublime to the ridiculous". A
bystander, in a strong Hibernian brogue, volunteers the erudite
observation, "Arrah, Pat, and what do you think of Dublin Bay after
that," while another from Cockney Land apostrophizes a companion, and
asks him what about the breadth of Old Father Thames at Putney. We had
seen multitudes of churches, public buildings, factories, stores, and
other structures, as we steamed up the Bay, but the one we had now
arrived at, Castle Garden, attracted particular attention, principally,
in all probability, from its being the emigrants' destination. The eye
of a military man would have singled it out first and foremost as a
structure pertaining to his profession, while the eye of a civilian or
of an ordinary observer would have taken it for a huge reservoir or
gas-holder. The landing stage is all alive with the officers of the
Emigration Commissioners and the Custom-house, and while they are
engaged in their duties, the more curious are all on the qui vive to ascertain
what can be the nature and object of the structure before them. Although
appropriated to the purposes of an emigrant depot, it turns out to be an old
fortress or castle, and remains one of the great landmarks or trophies in that
eternally memorable struggle -- the first great war of independence. It was
built by the British in 1812, after the model of the Martello towers of the
old country, when they entertained the fond but futile hope of
colonizing, or, in the language (Heaven save the mark) of modern
diplomacy, "annexing" America to Great Britain, and has stood
dismantled and in memoriam ever since. The building is of red granite,
of tremendous thickness, circular in form, and furnished with portholes
and platforms, so that it is available at any moment for the defence of
the harbor, only requiring a garrison and a few grim Dahlgrens to
impart to it its real character.
Truly strange and checkered is the history of this structure. After
the first war, and when the peace and prosperity of the City were in
their zenith, the building was converted into a saloon for the
amusement of the people, and has on occasions held as many as 4,000
people, when JENNY LIND, the Swedish Nightingale, and MARIO and GRISI
electrified with their melody the musical elite f New-York. Here also
JULLIEN wielded his magic and memorable baton before thousands at his
promenade concert. The building has also since been devoted to religious services
and the meetings of mechanic' institutions. Although the saying of
SHAKESPEARE be trite, yet the ever freshness of it is a truism, both to
men and things -- "To what stranage uses do we come at last!" -- is
curiously applicable in this case, for now more marvellous still we
have the structure devoted to one of the noblest of humanitarian uses, that
of a depot, established by a paternal Republic for the strangers and
children of other lands who seek its shores in such undiminished
All being ready, the emigrants proceed in a body up the corridor
into the interior of the building, their boxes and baggage being
removed to the luggage warehouses, and here they range themselves in
order on the seats. In front of them, and in the centre of the
building, which is lit by a glass dome, stand a staff of some dozen
gentlemen, all busily engaged in making arrangements for facilitating
the movements and promoting the settlement of the newly-arrived
emigrants. Each emigrant, man, woman and child, passes up in rotation
to the Bureau, and gives to the registrar his or her name and
destination, as a check upon the return of the Captain of the vessel,
who gives the name, place of birth, age and occupation. One of the
leading officers connected with the Bureau of Information then mounts a
rostrum, and addressing the assembled emigrants, tells them that such
as are not otherwise provided for, or prepared to pay for their
accommodation, can find shelter under the roof of that building; that
advice and information of the best and most reliable kind can be had
relative to tickets for railway and steamer to take them East, West,
North or South; as to the best means of obtaining employment, for which
a register is kept in the Intelligence Department of the Institution;
also as to the best and most expeditious routes to take, with
facilities for corresponding with friends, and of changing money at the
Bureau of Exchange.
The Intelligence Department is largely resorted to by emigrants,
inasmuch as there they can obtain information as to probable situations
without fee, for which outside they are asked $2 by the employment
agents. A careful supervision is exercised by the office as to the
suitability and respectability of the parties on both sides. All this
is well and wisely done for the protection of the emigrant, who would
otherwise, if lett to himself, become the prey of sharpers, boarding-
house "runners", "scalpers", leafers, et id genus omne. Such as are
ill or invalid are at once sent to the State Hospital, where they
receive the best of medical treatment and general attention. A
tolerable estimate may be formed of the work and labor devolving on
the establishment, when it is remembered that during the past month of
November, 17,280 emigrants had arrived at Castle Garden, or a grand
total of 219,830 to that date since the beginning of the year, while
according to the latest return made up to Thursday last, the total
number of arrivals from January to Dec. 5, had reached the enormous
number of 222,494, being an increase of 26,142 over the corresponding
period of the preceding year--all permeating and passing through the
great artery of life and labor at Castle Garden. The advantages
conferred by the regulations of the institution are developed every
day in the shield of protection that, by means of its advice,
information and police, it confers on the unsuspecting emigrant and
on the unprotected female, the friendless, the orphan and the widow.
Such is Castle Garden as a great national refuge for the emigrant
from all lands. It has nothing to parallel it on the continent of
Europe. It stands alone in its noble and utilitarian character.